I am a wedding and portrait photographer living in Amsterdam, originally from Scotland.
I love to tell stories at weddings in Amsterdam and at destinations around the world. I love to capture the connection between people in a intimate and emotional way. That's why I love wedding photography, Its about you and your story: the romance, the fun, the connection between you. I believe that a good photographer has the instant ability to connect. Connections are what make photography great. Being able to make someone feel comfortable in front of the camera will always make the best images. I believe the best photography comes from the ability to connect with the subject and the moment.
Your wedding will be amazing, epic moment in your history, and you will never want to forget it. I try to shoot at a distance and in the background and create an honest impression of the day with some special quiet moments for the wedding couple. With the photos you get, you will keep the feeling in your hearts and minds forever after the venue, the guests, the drinks, and your budget ;-) are a distant memory.
If you're getting married in the next couple of year, please get in touch. I'd love to be a part of documenting your story.
I went here in January, Ijen Volcano Crater, Java, Indonesia. Just breathtaking!
I was commissioned to photograph this sculpture in Milan and London. Its called THE HIVE.
Raja Ampat, one of the most remote places in the world with the most diversity of underwater wildlife anywhere.
Warm sun in the late afternoon beating on the skin, meeting new people and hearing their stories, sharing experiences, scuba diving (i used to be an instructor in Thailand), landscapes, architecture (i used to be an architect), travelling to new places and experiencing new cultures, sweet food unfortunately, the sound of the ocean waves splashing on the beach in front of your door, gezelligheid, asian food, space, science, sci fi movies, and of course AMSTERDAM
Winter, cold (yes, winter again), waiting in lines, wasting time, sitting in the office all day, trying hard to learn dutch but it taking a long time, mosquitoes, getting a cold, driving a car, any kind of traffic when driving a car, london transport (i lived there for 12 years), computer glitches, cleaning the apartment (boy is that annoying and why i have a cleaner now haha), having claustrophobic feet and always wanting to be barefoot, putting photos of myself online
1 I used to have an incredible memory for numbers. In the top 1% of people. Not so much any more
2 I mostly wear only black or white t shirts
3 I always leave the corners from a sandwich
4 I have dived with 16 whale sharks, Manta Rays, and taught over 350 people to dive
5 I taught a Masters in Architecture in Bergen, Norway