Bloemendaal - Zuid Kennermerland

Jennifer + Hannan

Intimate, personal and emotional

I was introduced to Jennifer by a friend. Jennifer messaged me to say that she and Hannan were interested to do a loveshoot. With a few facebook messages we arranged it. We discussed about where might be a good location and settled on the Zuid Kennermerland National Park near Bloemendaal. I had been there before with Julia & Birkan and knew how fantastic it was.  When I met Jennifer and Hannan on the day I could feel the connection between the girls immediately. They had such a lovely closeness, and I really wanted to capture that. The sun was shining all day and in the golden hour with such beautiful light it made for some amazing photos. Thanks again Jennifer and Hannan for inviting me into your world. It was a pleasure.

Echt prachtige fotoshoot! Vergeet niet, loveshoots zijn gratis met alle hele dag bruidsfotografie pakketten